// ==UserScript== // @name Olaf's Cellcraft.io Message Bot // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2 // @description Message Bot for Cellcraft.io // @author [Olaf]Olaf // @match http*://cellcraft.io // @match http*://cellcraft.io/* // @match http*://www.cellcraft.io // @match http*://www.cellcraft.io/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var botMessage = "Free Snow at www.olaf4snow. com"; var numberOfMessagesToSend = 60;//number of times to repeat var millisecondsBetweenSend = 5000;//number of milliseconds (example: 5000 = 5 seconds) (example: 60000 = 1 minute) (example: 300000 = 5 minutes) function sendMessage(botMessage) { document.getElementById("chtbox").value = botMessage; var e = new Event("keydown"); e.key = "Enter"; e.code = "Enter"; e.keyCode = 13; e.which = 13; window.dispatchEvent(e); window.dispatchEvent(e); } var numberOfMessagesSent=0; function repeatMessage(botMessage, numberOfMessagesToSend, millisecondsBetweenSend) { setTimeout(function() { sendMessage(botMessage); numberOfMessagesSent++; if(numberOfMessagesSent < numberOfMessagesToSend) { repeatMessage(botMessage, numberOfMessagesToSend, millisecondsBetweenSend); } }, millisecondsBetweenSend); } repeatMessage(botMessage, numberOfMessagesToSend, millisecondsBetweenSend); })();